Week 2024

IxDA cancels Interaction Week 2024
It is with heavy hearts that we have to share some disappointing news. IxDA is canceling Interaction 24, originally scheduled for 25 Feb - 1 Mar 2024 in Sydney, Australia.
This wasn't an easy decision, but after a lot of thought and looking at the financial picture, we believe it's the right one. It was a decision taken together.
Interaction Week has always been an event we look forward to – a time when we can all come together, learn from each other, and celebrate our shared interests. Unfortunately, the current financial situation has made it impossible for us to make the event happen this cycle.
We know how much many of you were looking forward to Interaction 24. We were too–and it pains us to have come all this way just to not make it to the finish line.
This was an incredibly difficult decision and it wasn’t made lightly, but we believe it's the most responsible choice given the global economic conditions we're all facing. Technology disruptions are reframing how we work. Interest rates, layoffs, and inflation are reshaping our sense of security.
IxDA is not immune. Taken together, these conditions impacted our sponsorship and ticket sales and made the conference not viable.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.
We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported Interaction 24 – our core team, our volunteers, all of you who submitted a proposal to talk, our keynotes who graciously accepted being our event headliners, and Pollen, who had agreed to be our branding partner.
Your enthusiasm and dedication are deeply appreciated. While we won't meet in person in Sydney, we will actively look at ways to stay connected and keep the spirit of the conference alive.
What now?
If you're a ticket holder, you'll be hearing from us shortly about the refund process.
We're still committed to our mission of improving the human condition by advancing the discipline of Interaction Design. We're hopeful that, when the economic situation improves, we can bring back this event stronger than ever. Until then, we'll be exploring alternative ways to support and engage with our incredible community.
We won’t be meeting in person this upcoming year, but you can still join our Slack – we’re here to answer any Interaction 24 questions you have.
Don't hesitate to reach out to our team — we're here to help. You can get in touch at
Your IxDA Board and the IxD24 team
If you hold a ticket, we’ll reach out to you directly. You can expect to hear from us within the next 30 days.
The IxDA Board hasn’t made a decision on future events. We’ll be contacting the cities who submitted proposals directly.
We appreciate the effort that went into crafting your proposal. It is your property and you are free to submit it to other speaking opportunities that might work for you.
Illuminating today’s Interaction design challenges for tomorrow’s world
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Where the finest design minds meet
Interaction 24 Core Team

Verawaty Chan

Susan Wolfe

Ben Pecotich

Martin Tomitsch

Brenda Sanderson

Carrie Rice

Lisa Railey

Timothy Greig

Tim Yeo

Damian Norton

Lian Loke

Scott Brown
Oliver Weidlich

Kevin Chan

Damien Loy

Lydia Bradshaw

Kevin Wilkins

Ulf Sthamer

Robert Tot